• Jessica,

    I had the honor of reading your rough draft in the making as you shared with me your secrets. One particular section in your book, This part…this alone is worth your book…..I pray God will use my life experience to minister to your soul to redeem your life”. This happened for me. THANK YOU

    - Charlene
    (Retired Nurse 26 years of service)

  • Truth be told and God willing, if you’ve lived long enough and have had the good fortune of experiencing life in all its fullness… the “good” the “bad” and everything in between, you too would have quite a story to tell.

    Such is the case with Jessica. Born into what many would consider a “dysfunctional” environment, had to fight and endure many hardships in her young life only to experience rejection after rejection in pursuit of having the loving home that many of us take for granted.

    From child abuse and sexual molestation at the hands of people who should have taken care of her, to traveling almost the entire continent of Europe, she managed to overcome all these adversities to become the loving wife, mother, and professional that only God’s love and perseverance could deliver.

    Her story is filled with twists and turns that only through His grace and mercy could she have ever been able overcome all these obstacles and become the champion that God has ordained for her life since the beginning of time.


    Team Leader: Transformed Living Community Home Group

  • Jessica shares a tremendous story of God’s redemption from a very broken, abuse filled upbringing. Anyone suffering from abuse at any stage in life would be encouraged and strengthen from reading this incredible story.

    Fred Sabins: Lay Counselor (Faith Bible Church)

  • Author Jessica Clancy allows the past to remind her that everything is going to be alright…

    As Jessica shares her story of God holding her through the darkness of her childhood, it is clear God held her soul and brought her through. As a result, He is allowing her testimony and accomplishments be used to help others whomay have wondered the same thing in their desperation: Will I make it? Can I make it? Just as God uses the song “Be Alright” to minister to others in dark places, this book may speak to others in comparison.

    It Is a perfect reminder of God growing the author’s faith and our faith through all the chaos to see how his plan works out everything for his good in the end

    - Sean Cook/ Co-writer /Producer: “Be Alright”
    Instagram: Seancook
    - Nina Cook, Vocal Coach
    Instrumental Guitar Teacher
    Instagram: nina_vocals

  • Beautiful story about what only God can do, his work of redemption in a broken world, He is steadfast.

    “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world…but God, being rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace we have been saved-…” Eph. 2:1-5

    This is a portrait of beauty that overshadows the brokenness of people and relationships and a full display of God’s process of healing wounds that were opened by those who trespassed against her from her childhood. Seeing Jessica now, my sister in Christ and friend, is like seeing a glimpse of God’s glory, mercy and goodness. I know he was there in every moment, loving and walking with her through it all, but with the same love, yearning for those that caused her harm and wanting them to turn to him.

    - Sara, sister in Christ and Community Group Shepherd